2011年九年级物理复习提纲(第十二章)(Physics review outline for grade nine in 2011 (twelfth chapters)).doc

2011年九年级物理复习提纲(第十二章)(Physics review outline for grade nine in 2011 (twelfth chapters)).doc

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2011年九年级物理复习提纲(第十二章)(Physics review outline for grade nine in 2011 (twelfth chapters))

2011年九年级物理复习提纲(第十二章)(Physics review outline for grade nine in 2011 (twelfth chapters)) This paper contributed by lanxihongxing. Doc document may at the WAP end of the browsing experience poor. Suggest you select TXT, or download the source file to the machine view. In 2011 nine grade physics review outline (Chapter twelfth) nine grade physics review outline (Chapter twelfth) The twelfth chapter motion and force review outline the twelfth chapter motion and force, a reference 1, the definition: in order to study the movement of objects assumed immobile objects called reference. 2, any object can be a reference, usually choose reference to study problems and convenience. As the research objects on the ground motion, often choose the ground or fixed on the objects on the ground as a reference, in this case the reference can be provided. 3, choose different objects to observe the same object conclusion may be different. The same object is moving or still depends on the chosen reference, this is the relative motion and rest. 4, can not choose of itself as a reference as the research object is static. Exercise 1, the poem multi eyeful scenery flashing, the mountain is along the mountains look carefully at, do not move, is the ship which mountain like the coming attack and ship reference selected ship and mountain respectively. A car 2, sitting in the east to the exercise of the passengers, see the roadside trees fell back, and saw the car from a car B to go back, try moving the car B. Divided into three kinds: the car did not move the car B B eastward movement, but the speed is not fast. B a car westward movement. Two, mechanical movement 1, the definition: physics object position change is called the mechanical movement. 2 characteristics: mechanical motion is the most common phenomenon in the universe. 3, compare the speed of object method: firstly by comparing for the pedestrian and cyclist speed: the same time is the comparison of long distance movement fast relatins


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