2011年中考英语易错题(The 2011 senior high school entrance examination English fallible questions).doc

2011年中考英语易错题(The 2011 senior high school entrance examination English fallible questions).doc

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2011年中考英语易错题(The 2011 senior high school entrance examination English fallible questions)

2011年中考英语易错题(The 2011 senior high school entrance examination English fallible questions) The 2011 senior high school entrance examination English fallible questions 1. both The They both are students. This is the They are both students. The They refuse both to answer this question. This is the They both refuse to answer this question. The analysis of both month, the general use before the be verb notional verb. The I know his both parents. This is the I know both his parents. The The both brothers were students. This is the Both the brothers were students. This is the Both brothers were students. The analysis when both and possessives of my, his, her and the. When used, all After these words should be placed in the both. In addition, with the definite article. The can be omitted. The Both of my parents are not at home. This is the Neither of my parents are at home. The Both of your answers are not right. This is the Neither of your answers is right. Is Both your answers are wrong. The analysis of both cannot be used in negative sentences as the subject. Neither when to use neither; but as the object When both and either are on, but we should pay attention to the meaning of the sentence is different. For example: I can not give both Of the books to you. (I will not give you two books.) I can not give either of The books to you. (two books in the book can give you.) 2.bring The Please bring this dictionary to Mr Brown. Is Please take this dictionary to Mr Brown. The Next time please take your little sister here. Is Next time, please bring your little sister here. Bring analysis: English is bring, while take is away. There is a word fetch, said to Go somewhere, take sth back. Such as: Please fetch the doctor at once. 3.business The My father went to Shanghai for business. This is the My father went to Shanghai on business. The analysis of on business. 4.busy The The students were very busy to prepare for the exam. This is the The students were very busy preparing for



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