2010监理工程师基本理论与相关法规真题(The basic theory of the 2010 supervision engineers and relevant laws and regulations.).doc

2010监理工程师基本理论与相关法规真题(The basic theory of the 2010 supervision engineers and relevant laws and regulations.).doc

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2010监理工程师基本理论与相关法规真题(The basic theory of the 2010 supervision engineers and relevant laws and regulations.)

2010监理工程师基本理论与相关法规真题(The basic theory of the 2010 supervision engineers and relevant laws and regulations.) A single choice (a total of 50 questions, 1 points for each question. Each item options, only 1 of the most to do) 1. the following construction supervision on the characteristics of the argument, is not correct (D). The engineering supervision of construction of A. service object is single B. has the function of supervision of construction project supervision C. construction supervision market access dual control D. construction project supervision is conducive to the realization of the construction project investment benefit maximization 2. engineering supervision enterprises should be enough to form a thousand mountain bone quantity supervision team of engineers have rich management experience and ability, this is the construction engineering supervision (B) specific performance. A. service B. Science C. independence D. fairness 3. according to the built A Department on the implementation of construction safety supervision responsibility of a number of opinions, the following work, which belongs to the preparation of construction supervision work stage is (). A. review the safety technical measures in construction organization design B. regular inspection dangerous engineering work C. check the construction site crane inspection procedures D. inspection of the construction site safety protection measures 4. according to the provisions on the legal person responsibility system, project legal person shall be approved after the establishment (B). A. project proposal B. project feasibility study report Preliminary design documents C. D. construction drawings and design documents The 5. principal owner in engineering construction supervision is (C) phase of the work. A. design B. construction and installation C. construction preparation D. production ready Professional qualification standard 6. engineering supervision enterprises, set up a, B, C class (A) is und



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