国内外120个摄影网站+50个设计网站(120 domestic and foreign photography website design website +50).doc

国内外120个摄影网站+50个设计网站(120 domestic and foreign photography website design website +50).doc

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国内外120个摄影网站+50个设计网站(120 domestic and foreign photography website design website +50) 1. - National Geographic The worlds largest human geography magazine, the website has a large number of pictures and consulting - / - 2. China - National Geographic National Geographic magazine Chinese official website, mainly introduces the domestic and foreign and local customs and practices in regional culture - / - 3. - Documentary images A nature photography website in California, containing a large number of animals and plants - Photography - / - 4. China landscape photography network Chinese own landscape photography organization, including equipment knowledge, picture display, photography exchange plate - / - 5. - range image A British special shooting range photography website, contains a lot of panoramic picture - http://www.mountain-images.co.uk/ - 6. China wild animal photography Chinese wild animal protection association photography channel, aimed at the protection of rare and endangered wild animal. - - / - 7. Yann - Bertrand - Arthus A French major display aerial photography pictures website, website many photos are world famous classical masterpieces - - / - 8. wild Chinese - Created by the wild animal photographer Xi Zhinong and his wife Shi Lihong, and hope that through the wonderful animal pictures arouse peoples enthusiasm and environmental protection - / - 9. - Bob Hudak A black and white landscape photography, the black and white photos mainly uses silver and silver and platinum salt chloride process amplification etc. - / - 10. - TB A website adventure, web site contains a large number of outstanding plant animal photography and the image of man and nature - - / - - - - - 02 portrait - PART - - 11. - GEORGE HURRELL Hollywood famous portrait photographer George Hurrells website, the photograph is mostly black and white figures - 30s and 40s - / - 12. China - wedding photography China biggest wedding portrait network communication platform, content rich sites. -


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