大力发展文化产业(Vigorously develop the cultural industry).doc

大力发展文化产业(Vigorously develop the cultural industry).doc

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大力发展文化产业(Vigorously develop the cultural industry)

大力发展文化产业(Vigorously develop the cultural industry) Through the investigation of the current situation of the development of rural economy mechanism and culture, analysis of the causes of the rural cultural industry lags behind the pace of social development, put forward the development of rural culture industry, the development of rural cultural industry has a great future. The rural culture with its rich heritage, rich expressive and colorful forms, moistens generations living in the field of people's spiritual world, cultivate their temperament and behavior. However, how the rural culture of the status quo and development? From the government's point of view, there is not enough attention and understanding is not in place of the situation; cultural station personnel, funding the implementation of other sectors is relatively weak compared with the infrastructure of rural culture; with the development of local economy compared to lag; cultural activities in the city compared to far worse, farmers in remote areas to see the show, movie and books are very difficult! Rural culture and art education is basically in the frozen stage; more worrying is the activities of folk culture in the rural is shrinking, the content and form of some folk cultural activities have disappeared. 1, the rural economy mechanism affects rural culture. 1.1 status and development of rural culture in China is far behind the city culture, social undertakings lags behind the pace of progress. The reason has many aspects, but the most important reason is the economic reason. It includes the rural economic development level and the level of funding for cultural development, but more important is the problem of rural economic system, will affect the superstructure of cultural and economic operation mechanism. China is a large agricultural country, with thousands of years of history, from the economic system model, experienced natural economy, natural economy and collective economy (planned economy)



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