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辣椒素 Capsaicin: 辣椒含有辣椒素 辣椒含有辣椒素(Capsaicin),辣椒素可令腎上腺素分泌增加,加速新陳代謝,所以增加卡路里的消耗,達到減肥和防止脂肪積聚的效果。 日本研究發現,辣椒素可增加氧消耗、血中葡萄糖與胰島素量,且同時可使肝糖、三酸甘油酯迅速降低。 P.A. Bucholtz in 1816 first discovered that the pungent principle of peppers could be extracted from the macerated pods with organic solvents. Capsaicin In 1878, the Hungarian medical scientist Endre Hogyes extracted capsaicin, which he called capsicol, and discovered that it stimulated the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach and increased the secretion of gastric juices. Capsaicin was first synthesized in 1930 by E. Spath and F.S. Darling. capsaicin ---a complex of related components named capsaicinoids The major capsaicinoids that are contained in the crystalline extract and their percentages are capsaicin (69%), dihydrocapsaicin (22%), and three minor related components: nordihydrocapsaicin (7%), homocapsaicin (1%), and homodihydrocapsaicin (1%). capsaicinoid The mildest capsaicinoid was nordihydrocapsaicin (NDHC), which was described as the least irritating and fruity, sweet, and spicy. Next was homodihydrocapsaicin (HDHC), a compound described as very irritating, and one that produced a numbing burn in the throat, which also was the most prolonged and difficult to rinse out. Toxicity of Capsaicinoids T. Glinsukon, concluded that the acute toxicity of capsaicinoids as a food additive in mankind was neglible. If humans are about as sensitive as mice, the acute fatal toxicity dose for a 150 pound person would be about thirteen grams of pure, crystalline capsaicinoids, which frankly, sounds high to us. I think that less than that would be lethal. A person of average weight would have to consume nearly a half gallon of the sauce to overdose and become unconscious. 唐辛子 唐辛子是紅辣椒中的主要物質,亦為辣椒帶來刺激味道的主要元素。 由於早已被廣泛應用在調味料、食物附加素及藥物中。 最新的研究顯示,唐辛子能有效加速脂肪代謝,因而更廣受大眾注意。 歷史及民間用法 辣椒是美味的調味料,無論在東南亞國家、中國、南美、意大利南部及墨西哥等地,都被廣泛採用。 辣椒的原產地為南美及西印度,至今已被各個亞熱帶地區普遍應用。 辣椒在民間的用法,包括治療氣喘病、發熱、喉嚨痛及氣管感染、消化系統毛病、牙痛甚至癌症等。 commercial hot sauces But most p


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