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课题: Revision(Module 6 Book 1) The Internet and Telecommunications 枣庄八中南校 李建政 一、教学目标、方法和手段概述 课 题 The Internet and Telecommunications 课 型 Revision 目 标 要 求 知识目标 To learn: 1. Master the use of the key words“ contain, access, disadvantage , expect, design ” 2. Learn to use the phrases: as well, consist of; concentrate on 3. learn the sentence structure: (1) it 作形式宾语+宾补 (2) 疑问词+do you think +陈述句 能力目标 To train: 1. To Improve the ability to analyze sentences 2. To develop the ability to make up sentences 情感态度价值观 To arouse students: 1.Learning to think by themselves 2. Cooperation with others. 教学重难点 1.Understanding the part of speech of the key words 2. Make up sentences correctly To develop the students’ writing skill 教学方法 任务型教学方法 :以学生活动为主,在活动中学习和应用所学的语言知识。 教学手段 多媒体教学 二、教学流程设计 Step1 Check the homework(3m) Last class I asked students to translate five sentences , check and correct them. 翻译句子 1.你看的书越多,你学到的知识就越多。(the more,the more) 2. 我们都知道长江是黄河的三倍长。(用三种倍数表达法) 3. 很难想象一个没有金属的世界。(it 作形式主语) 4. 坐车时每个人都应该系安全带。(be supposed to) 5. 他过去星期日早晨常睡懒觉, 但现在习惯了每天早起。(be used to, used to) 答案:1. The more books you read, the more information you will learn.( 注意在the 比较级…,the比较级…句型结构中,哪些成分需要提前) 2. We all know that the Changjiang River is about three times as long as /longer than/the length of the Songhua River. (注意与形容词相对应的名词的写法) 3. It is hard to think of a world without metals. 4. Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in a car. 5. He used to get up late on Sunday morning, but now he gets used to getting up early every morning. (注意 used to do, get used to doing 的用法) (设计理念:这五个句子是第五单元所复习的重点句型,也是高考的考点。从检查结果看,有一半的学生能熟练掌握,通过检查提示大部分能理解掌握) Step2 Words (3m) In writing, students often confuse the different forms of words , so we should pay attention to “part of speech”. T: Now class, write the following words as soon as you can , and then exchange your work with your classmates to check them. then try to find the rules by which the words can be changed 1.________包含,包括 vt. ______


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