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数字、图表、句式的规范性及其翻译 2. 倍数 (1)倍数的比较和增加 1.The production of this kind of solid bearings has been increased four times as against 2007. 2.The principal advantage of the products is a two-fold reduction in weight. 3.The cost of about two thirds products decreased to ninety percent. 用times 表示倍数,一般限于包括基数在内的三倍或三倍以上的数,表示两倍一般用twice. (a) 句型: increase (to/by) grow +N times/by a factor 4. The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year. 5. The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four. (b) 句型:as much/many again as 6. By 2050 population growth should have leveled off, but by then we’ll have 10 billion people –as many again as we have today. 7. The amount left was estimated to be as much again as all the zinc that had been mined. (c) 句型:half as much/many again as 8.The melting point of this material is half as high again as the melting point of that material. (d)句型:主语+double (triple , treble, quadruple)+… 9.The efficiency of the machines has been more than trebled or quadrupled. 10.The water rate quadrupled this mouth. (2)倍数的减少 11.S witching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times 12.The equipment reduced the error probability by a factor of 5. 13.When the voltage is stepped up by 10 times,the strength of the current is stepped down by 10 times,so that the power remains the same. 14.Single-mode operation could be achieved by reducing the length of the laser tube by 5.5 times. 15.The plastic container is 4.5 times lighter than that glass one. 16.This sort of membrane is twice thinner than ordinary paper 2. 倍数 (1)倍数的减少 (a)句型:decrease /drop/reduce (to) +N times; N-fold reduction; N times less than; reduce by a factor of N 11. Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times. 12. The equipment reduced the error probability by a factor of 5. 13. When the voltage is stepped up by 10 times, the strength of the current is stepped down by 10 times, so that the power remains the same. 如果减


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