新视野大学英语读写教程3 unit3.ppt

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新视野大学英语读写教程3 unit3

* * Unit 3 Where Principles Come First 品德至上 New words publicity n. 1). [U] seek / avoid publicity 追求/避免公众注意 His report received wide publicity. 他的报道受到了广泛关注。 2). [U] The publicity material sent out by the company stressed its concern for the environment. 这个公司散发的宣传材料强调了他们对环境的关注。 2. cultivate vt. 1). 培养积极的心态益处多多。 Cultivating a positive attitude can reap tremendous benefits. He has written eight novels and has cultivated the image of a popular writer. 他已写了八本小说,树立了通俗小说家的形象。 2). Most of the land there has been cultivated. 那里大部分的土地已经被开垦。 3. comprehensive a. a comprehensive test 综合测试 comprehensible a. “easy to understand” The book is written in clear, comprehensible language. 这本书语言清楚易懂。 4. controversial a. a controversial TV program/ new law/ subject 有争议性的电视节目/新法律/话题 5. suspend vt. 1). Some rail services were suspended during the strike. 罢工期间,有些铁路服务终止了。 2). 天花板上吊着一盏灯。 A lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 6. conventional a. 他想要一个有妻有子的传统婚姻。 He wants a conventional marriage with a wife and kids. 她的观点非常传统。 Her views are remarkably conventional. 7. reform vt. 你的改革公司的管理制度。 You have to reform the management of the company. 改革医疗卫生体系的计划已失败不止一次。 Plans to reform the health care system have failed more than once. n. [C,U] a major reform 重大改革 economic/ political/ educational reform 经济/政治/教育改革 8. admission n. 1). [U] 凡不戴领带者都不得进入该俱乐部。 All those who were not wearing a tie were refused admission to the club. admission to a key university 进入一所重点大学 2). [C] He’s a bad driver, on his own admission. 他承认自己是个糟糕的司机。 admittance:permission to enter a building No admittance. 禁止入内。 9. worthwhile a. 为这么点钱工作不值得。 Working for so little money isn’t worthwhile. 医学是一项很值得从事的职业。 Medicine is a very worthwhile career. 10. fruitful a. 这是一次富有成效的会议,我们作出了很多重要决定。 It is a very fruitful meeting; we made a lot of important decisions. The discussion we had last night turned out to be fruitful. 昨晚我们的讨论证明是卓有成效的。 Phrases and expres


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