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精灵鼠小弟 Its today! Its today!就是今天了!就是今天了! Its today! Its today!就是今天了!就是今天了 Its today! Its today!Its today!就是今天了!就是今天了!就是今天了! Its always today, George.那总是今天,乔冶 -I mean, this is the day.-Thats right.-我是说就是今天了-没错 -Cant I come?-You have to go to school, George. -我不能跟你们去吗?-乔冶,你得去上学 -Will he be here when I get home? -I think so. -我回家的时候他会不会在?-我想是会的 Ill play ball with him. Ill wrestle with him.我要跟他玩球,跟他摔跤 Ill teach him how to spit.还要教他怎么吐口水 -Its be so much fun.-For all of us. -这样一定会很好玩的-我们大家都会很快乐的 How w you know if you pick the right one? 你们怎么知道你们没有选错人? I dont know. Well....我不知道我们会... Youll just know.你们到时就会知道的 Bye, sweetie.再见 亲爱的 Remember, I want a little brother, not a big brother. 别忘了 我要的是弟弟不是哥哥 Weve been through your paperwork, and it seems to be in order.我们审核过你们的申请文件看来一切都没有问题 Adoption isnt for everyone...并不是人人都能领养孤儿 ...but you seem like peope with plenty of love to share. ...但你们看起来很有爱心 So how are you ? 你们现在感觉如何? -Goodness, were---Tingng---天啊,我们...-我们全身擅抖... With anticipation.因为实在是期待太久了 Recess.下课了 Time for you to meet them.你们该见见他们了 Fee free to walk around. Theyre used to having strangers. 你们可以四处走走,他们对陌生人早就习以为常 Thank you.谢谢 Lovey people.真是好人家 Nice move, Red.丢得好 红头 Oh, Frederick, look at them.老费 你看他们 -How coud we possibly--?-Choose? I know. -我们怎么可能...?-有办法选择?我了解 -They all seem so---Wonderfu.-他们看起来都好...-可爱 You know whats wonderfu?你们知道最美妙的是什么吗? Whats wonderful is...最美妙的就是... ...how you both know what the other one is gonna say... ...你们在对方还没开口的时候... ...before you even say it....就知道对方想说什么了 Not that its any of my business.当然这不关我的事 Yes, that happens when youve been together as ong as we have. 我们在一起这么久了心灵相通很自然 From being a family.一家人就是这样 Family. Wow.一家人? Well...这个嘛... ...for a family, youve certainly come to the right place. ...如果你们想要建立小家庭就来对地方了 I think we can find just what youre looking for. 我们应该可以满足你们的需求 If you want a girl, Susan can read French.如果你们想要女孩的话苏珊会法文 And Edith can tap dance while blowing bubbes. 伊迪丝可以边吹泡泡边跳踢踏舞 Or maybe you wanted a boy.也许你们想要个男孩 Actually, I


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