
冰雪奇缘 中英文字幕.doc

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冰雪奇缘 中英文字幕

1 00:01:53,659 -- 00:01:59,579 ?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining? 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她 2 00:02:00,989 -- 00:02:04,369 ?This icy force both foul and fair? 冰雪的力量 危险而又美丽 3 00:02:04,369 -- 00:02:07,879 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining? 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘 4 00:02:08,629 -- 00:02:11,879 ?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear? 凿穿冰封之心 冰冷又剔透 5 00:02:11,879 -- 00:02:15,169 ?Strike for love And Strike for fear? 为了爱 不畏恐惧 6 00:02:15,169 -- 00:02:18,049 ?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer? 一双善于发现美丽的眼睛 7 00:02:18,049 -- 00:02:20,969 ?Split the ice apart? 打破寒冰结境 8 00:02:20,969 -- 00:02:24,349 ?And break the frozen heart? 融化冰封之心 9 00:02:24,349 -- 00:02:27,679 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!? 全神贯注!放手去爱! 10 00:02:28,809 -- 00:02:31,809 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!? 全神贯注!放手去爱! 11 00:02:32,939 -- 00:02:34,189 ?Beautiful! Powerful!? 美丽!强大! 12 00:02:34,189 -- 00:02:35,399 ?Dangerous! Cold!? 危险!寒冷! 13 00:02:35,399 -- 00:02:37,769 ?Ice has a magic Cant be controlled? 寒冰的魔力无法被掌控 14 00:02:37,769 -- 00:02:40,029 ?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten? 胜过一人 胜过十人 15 00:02:40,029 -- 00:02:42,279 ?Stronger than a hundred men!? 胜过一百个人! 16 00:02:45,449 -- 00:02:50,659 ?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining? 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她 17 00:02:50,659 -- 00:02:52,829 ?This icy force both Foul and Fair? 冰雪的力量 危险而又美丽 18 00:02:52,829 -- 00:02:54,999 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining? 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘 19 00:02:55,449 -- 00:02:57,919 ?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear? 凿穿冰封之心 冰冷又剔透 20 00:02:57,919 -- 00:03:00,459 ?Strike for love and strike for fear? 为了爱 不畏恐惧 21 00:03:00,459 -- 00:03:02,789 ?Theres beauty and theres Danger here? 危险而又美丽 22 00:03:02,789 -- 00:03:05,129 ?Split the ice apart!? 打破寒冰结境 23 00:03:05,129 -- 00:03:10,549 ?Beware the frozen heart? 小心冰封的心 24 00:03:14,799 -- 00:03:16,719 Come on, Sven! 快跟上 斯文! 25 00:03:42,119 -- 00:03:44,199 Elsa. Psst! 埃尔莎 喂! 26 00:03:45,869 -- 00:03:47,329 Elsa! 埃尔莎! 27 00:03:47,659 -- 00:03:49,789 Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! 醒醒 醒醒 快醒醒! 28


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