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土建项目中预埋件结构施工关键点研究摘要:预埋件的设计计算应遵守“混凝土结构设计规范”(GBJ10-89)的规定。预埋件应经设计计算使之符合受力要求,构造必须合理。预埋件的设计及构造应充分重视。首先,预埋该预埋件的主体结构构件的砼强度不宜低于C30;其次预埋件锚筋的直径和在主体结构中的锚固长度,也必须经过周密计算,我们知道预埋件可分为受力预埋件和构造预埋件两种,通常由两部分组成:一是埋设在砼中的锚筋,这种锚筋一般采用Ⅰ级或Ⅱ级钢筋,也可以用角钢或其它型钢。二是外露在砼表面的锚板,一般选用3号钢板或角钢等。在一些预埋件受力较大的地方,常在锚筋末端焊接档板,称之为小锚板,目的是为了增强钢筋的锚固性能。而对于有抗剪要求的预埋件,在锚板上需加焊抗剪钢板,以满足使用要求。 关键词:土建 预埋件 施工 要点 Abstract: the design and calculation of the embedded parts shall comply with the “concrete structure design codes” (GBJ10-89) regulation. Embedded parts shall be subject to design calculation with force requirements, structure must be reasonable. The design of the embedded parts and tectonic should pay full attention. First of all, embed the embedment parts of the main structure component concrete strength shall not be lower than C30; Second embedment parts in the diameter of the steel anchor and the main structure of the anchor length, also must be carefully calculated, we know that the embedment parts can be divided into force embedded parts and tectonic embedment parts two kinds, usually consists of two parts: one is buried in the concrete reinforced the anchor, the anchor muscle general use of the Ⅰ level or Ⅱ level reinforced, also can use Angle steel or other payments. 2 it is exposed in the concrete surface of anchor board, general choose 3 plate or Angle steel, etc. In some of the more stress embedded parts place, often in steel welding anchor end dampers, called the small anchor plate, the purpose is to enhance the performance of reinforced anchorage. And to have shear requirements of the embedment parts, in the anchor board needing welding shear steel plate, in order to meet the requirements of operation. Keywords: civil construction points embedded parts 中图分类号:TU37文献标识码:A 文章编号: 在土建工程施工中,预埋件是结构连接的一个重要部分,它属于隐蔽工程。如质量不合要求就会留下隐患本文就预埋件施工中几个要点作些简要探讨 一、预埋件施工前的准备 l、预埋件施工工艺流程为:(1)钢筋、钢板下料加工;(2)焊接;(3)支模并安装预埋件;(4)对照施工图校对预埋件尺寸和位置;(5)浇筑砼;(6)养护与拆模;(7)检查预埋件施工质量;(8)修补处理。 2、预埋件施工前,应首先了解其型式、位置和数量,然后按标准要


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