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Vol.54ꎬNo.4 第54卷  第4期 Apr.ꎬ2017 2017年4 月 研究与技术 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001 ̄7003.2017.04.006 纺织品数码印花软打样效果可接受色差研究 杨静芝ꎬ周  华ꎬ周  婷ꎬ陈  洁ꎬ李泽华ꎬ梅  帆ꎬ裘柯斌 (浙江理工大学 a.材料与纺织学院ꎻb.先进纺织材料与制备技术教育部重点实验室ꎬ杭州310018) 摘要:针对数码印花屏幕软打样的效果评价问题ꎬ为了得到数码印花屏幕软打样的效果与实物打印 效果的色差ꎬ以及这个色差能否被人们接受ꎬ关系到可否用屏幕软打样来代替实物打印样品方式的 问题ꎮ 文章从客观和主观两个角度来评价软打样的效果ꎬ通过客观评价确定屏幕软打样与实物打印 样品间的色差ꎬ然后通过主观评价方法ꎬ评价屏幕软打样的色差是否可以被人们接受ꎮ 将主客观评 价方法结合在一起ꎬ证明了目前屏幕软打样的色差在人们可接受色差范围内ꎬ可以代替实物样品打 样方式运用到实际生产中ꎮ 关键词:数码印花ꎻ屏幕软打样ꎻ客观评价ꎻ主观评价ꎻ可接受色差 中图分类号:TS194.4      文献标志码:A      文章编号:1001 ̄7003(2017)04 ̄0031 ̄06      引用页码:041106 Research about acceptable color difference of digital printing soft proofing YANG JingzhiꎬZHOU HuaꎬZHOUTingꎬCHENJie ꎬLIZehuaꎬMEI FanꎬQIU Kebin (a. College of Materials and Textilesꎻb. Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Materials and Manufacturing Technologyꎬ Zhejiang Sci ̄Tech UniversityꎬHangzhou310018ꎬChina) Abstract:In order to evaluate the digital printing screen soft proofing effectꎬ this paper aims to get the color difference between the effect of digital printing screen soft proofing and physical printing effectꎬand the acceptability of color differenceꎬwhich is related to that whether screen soft proofing can be replaced by physical printing. Soft proofing are evaluated from subjective and objective perspectives. By the objective evaluationꎬwe could know the color difference between screen soft proofing and physical printing. By the subjective evaluationꎬwe could know whether the color difference of screen soft proofing can be accepted by people. The combination of subjective and objective methods proves that the color difference can be accepted by peopleꎬand it can replace physical printing in practi


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