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8·72 · Ch in Ophthal R es,November 2007 , Vol. 25 ,No. 11  ·临床研究 · Pentacam 三维眼前节分析诊断系统对近视眼 眼前节的测量 何燕玲  元  力  黎晓新  胡亦文 M ea surem en t of an ter ior segm en t in m yop ic eyes w ith Pen tacam sche im pflug sy stem H e Yan ling, Yuan L i, L i X iaox in, H u Yiw en. D ep a rtm en t of Op h tha lm ology, P eop le ’s H osp ita l, B eij ing Un ivers ity, B eij ing 100044, Ch ina   A b stract  O bjective   To comp are the b iological p aram eters of norm al and m yop ic eyes w ith Pen tacam system and e stab lish the p relim inary data of variou s degree of m yop ic eyes.  M ethod s  R ep eatab ility wa s determ ined from 3 succe ssive m easurem en ts of 50 healthy eye s w ith Pentacam system. Pentacam scheimp lug im aging system wa s u sed to m ea su re the an terior ( ) ( ) ( ) segm en t on 523 ca ses 1 024 eyes . M ea sured eyes were divided in to emm etrop ia 240 eye s , low myop ia 280 eye s , moderate m yop ia (272 eye s) and h igh myop ia (232 eyes) according to the m ean sp herical equ ivalent.  Results The variation s of ocu lar anterior segm en t were as follow s in 50 healthy eye s: coefficien t of cornea anterior keratom etry 030% , po sterior keratom etry 064 % , corneal ap ical p achym etry 070% , central an terior cham ber dep th (ACD ) 070% , cornea vo lum e 081% , an terior chamber volum e 198% , anterior cham ber angle 2 68% , pup il diam eter 4 73%. The an terior keratom etry elevated from ( 4334 ±146) D to (4383 ±128) D and p up il diam eter decreased from ( 313 ±065) mm to (2 92 ±043) mm w ith the increa se of m yop i


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