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翻译部分英文原文Cone crusher performance evaluation using DEM simulations and laboratory experiments for model validationKeywords:Cone crusherDEMValidationExperimentSimulationModellingAbstract:Cone crushers are commonly used for secondary and tertiary crushing stages in the aggregate and mining industry. It has previously been demonstrated that the discrete element method (DEM) can be used to simulate rock breakage in crushers using a variety of modelling techniques. In order to provide confi-dence in the simulation results the DEM models need to be validated against experimental data. Such val-idation efforts are scarcely reported in the existing literature and there are no standardized procedures defined. In this paper a laboratory cone crusher is simulated using DEM and the results are compared with laboratory experiments. The rock material is modelled using the Bonded Particle Model approach calibrated against single particle breakage experiments. Two case simulations have been performed investigating the influence of eccentric speed. The laboratory crusher is a Morg?rdshammar B90 cone crusher that has been equipped with custom machined liners, variable speed drive and a National Instruments data acquisition system. The results provide novel insight regarding the stochastic flow behaviour of particles when exited by the mantle at high frequency. The estimated product size distribu-tion matches the experimental results relatively well when evaluating the corresponding coarse region that is feasible to calculate from the DEM product discharge data.1. IntroductionThe cone crusher is the most common machine type for sec-ondary and tertiary crushing of hard rock materials in the minerals processing industry. During recent years, minerals processing experts and engineers have shown an increased interest in the operation of primary and secondary crushing and potential efforts to optimize the performance and operation have followed. This interest directs focus on modelling and


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