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王安憶《長恨歌》 第一章 客觀 Objective Vs 主觀 Subjective (描述 description Vs 陳述 narration) 客觀/主觀作為一樣取向,不是絕對的分類 你認為文中那些是客觀,那些是主觀的部份?兩部份如何轉移/配置? 試類比攝影鏡頭與文字描述 -我們是只看到其中一點,還是聚焦(Focalization )在一點? Flow (narrative flow) 敘 事 的 推 進 姿 態 《長恨歌》第一章的空間結構是什麼? - 如「視覺化」我們的閱讀,首先看到的是什麼?結尾又是在那兒? - 第一章五個部份的結構和排列有什麼意思? 比喻的例子; 擬人法的例子; 抽象變具象的例子; 比喻的例子; 它(流言)蠶食般地一點一點咬噬著書本上的記載,還像白蟻侵蝕華廈大屋。 擬人法的例子; 那種石窟門弄堂是上海弄堂裡最有權勢之氣的一種,它們帶有一些深宅大院的遺傳,有一副官邪的臉面. 抽象變具象的例子; 流言總是帶著陰沉之氣。這陰沉氣有時是東西廂房的黃衣草氣味,有時是樟腦丸氣味,還有時是肉砧板上的氣味。 為什麼作者不斷地「書寫」「流言」? 弄堂在文章是什麼角色? 是物質的描述?作為小說的背景? 是比喻 ?比喻什麼? 讀完全篇,有時間經驗的感覺嗎? 這篇章的時間是如何構築出來的呢? 是不是一篇故事? 鴿子又是不是「一位」角色? Show-not-tell(呈現直述 )principle Dont tell us that the old lady screamed.Bring her on and let her scream. -- Samuel Clemens What is Show ? What is Tell ? Tell: The pizza was delicious. Show: Steam rising up off the melted cheese made my mouth water. The first bite, my teeth sinking into the cheese through the tomato sauce and into the moist crust, made me chew and swallow rapidly. Even the cheese and tomato sauce, sticking to my fingertips, begged to be licked. Tell: He is angry. Show: Sitting at his desk, his jaw tightened. His eyes flashed heat waves at me. The words erupted from his mouth, I want to talk to you after class. The final hiss in his voice warned me about his feelings. Show-not-tell(呈現直述 )principle Show, dont tell is an admonition to fiction writers to write in a manner that allows the reader to experience the story through a characters action, words, thoughts, senses, and feelings rather than through the narrators exposition, summarization, and description. * 弄堂 Show-not-tell(呈現直述 )principle *
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