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Effective Interviewing Skills 有效率的面談技巧 ;What is personal selection 人員篩選是什么?;An overview of the Hiring Process 招募的流程;What is the main objective of interview? 面談的宗旨;What are the advantages of an employment/selection interview? 篩選、面談的好處是什么?;Limitation 局限性;Planing and preparing for the interview 計划及准備面談;Before the interview(面談前);Creating A Job profile From a Job description;Where to find good candidates(哪里找到適合的人選); Resumes-reading Between the Lines (履歷表) ; Resumes-reading Between the Lines (履歷表) ; Resumes-reading Between the Lines (履歷表) ;Evaluating Resumes (評估履歷表); Evaluating Resumes (評估履歷表) ;The interview process (面談過程);The interview process (面談過程);The interview process (面談過程);The interview process (面談過程);The interview process (面談過程);More specific Question techniques(較特殊的技朮問題);Hypothetical problem-solving question(假設解決問題);Self Assessment Question (自我評估問題);Self Assessment Question (自我評估問題);Self Assessment Question (自我評估問題);Closing the interview in a positive manner 有禮貌的面談總結 ;Closing the interview in a positive manner 有禮貌的面談總結;Summary chart on Selection Interview Process; Pinpointing high potential candidates ;Pinpointing high potential candidates;Interpersonal Perception Bias個人偏見;Common Interviewing Pitfalls to avoid;Common Interviewing Pitfalls to avoid;Listening Problem(聆听問題);Suggestions for Effective Listening 有效的聆听;Welcome To TARGETED SELECTION 目標篩選; 1. 目標選擇概述 2. 工作要求、資料、STARs 3. 動机適合 4. 面談技巧 5. 資料評价 6. 作業 7. 資料收集、評价與練習 8. 面談技巧研習 9. 資料合并;一個有效的篩選系統必須使用一個程式,它能達到三種結果: a. 為某項工作雇到合適人選,提供准確的方法 (Accuracy) b. 為公平地對待有候選人,提供平等的方法 (Equity) c. 使面談者和候選人都能相信篩選系統的价值 (Buy-In);1. 廣告 (廣告數量__X价格/廣告) ______ 2. 人員篩選的行政費用 (__小時X1小時費用) ______ 3. 面談者及應徵者交通、住宿、 膳食費用 ______ 4. 教育訓練費用/崗位訓練 (每月__ , 每年__ ) ______ 5. 隱藏費用/失去机會的費用 ______ 6. 賠償費用 ______


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