双语新闻:英国首架无窗飞机 全景式体验high翻天图.pdf

双语新闻:英国首架无窗飞机 全景式体验high翻天图.pdf

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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 双语新闻:英国首架无窗飞机 全景式体验high翻天(图) 英国一个团队正在研制首架无窗飞机,用先进的超薄高清电子屏取 代传统的舷窗,为旅客实时提供全景式窗外实景播放。高空全景式观感 ,你敢挑战么? 双语新闻:英国首架无窗飞机 高空全景你敢体验么(图) Imagine being on a flight where, in place of windows, screens lining the cabin project images of the sky outside. New technology that could help reduce the weight of an aircraft could soon see windowless planes take to the air. 想象一下,你坐在一架飞机上,原本舷窗的位置,现在却嵌着一排 屏幕,屏幕上显示的是窗外天空的景色。一种用来减轻飞机重量的新技 术,或许将很快让这种“无窗飞机”成为现实。 Plastic display screens for use in aircraft cabins are one of several applications of printable electronics that are being developed at the Centre for Process Innovation in Sedgefield in northeast England, part of the government’s network of technology centres known as “catapults”. 位于英国东北部塞奇菲尔德的工艺流程创新中心(Centre of Process Innovation,简称CPI)正在研发数种基于“印刷电子”技术的 应用,其中就包括用在飞机机舱里的塑料显示屏。这一中心是英国政府 牵头的、由多个研发中心组成的被称为“弹射器”网络的一部分。 By using conductive inks, printed electronics – technology that has long promised to enliven products from perfume bottles to food packaging – can incorporate electrical circuits in cardboard and plastic for just a few pence per unit. In pharmaceuticals, smart packaging could tell a patient when to take their medication, for example. 通过使用导电墨水 ,印刷电子技术能将电路集成到纸板和塑料上, 每个部件所需成本只要几便士。人们一直以来都认为这种技术能让从香 水瓶到食品包装袋的各种产品 “活”起来。比如 ,在制药领域 ,智能化 包装能够告诉患者何时吃药。 雅思阅读文章太难读不懂 ?Dont worry !智课名师1对1给你指导! 在线预约名师试听课 But it is the technology’s potential to help aircraft manufacturers create a windowless plane that is causing most excitement at the CPI for now. By replacing windows with an interactive plastic display screen, the weight of the aircraft would be reduced, helping to lower fuel costs. 然而目前在CPI,最让人兴奋的是,这种技术有可能帮助飞机制造 商制造一种无窗飞机。用互动式塑料显示屏代替窗户 ,能减少飞机重量 ,从而有助于降低燃油成本。 “Getting weight out of a plane is a key [goal] for the industry,” says Tom Taylor, who is part of


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