鲁甸县县应用房地产估价技术评估存量房交易价格工作实施方案(Ludian County real estate appraisal technology application evaluation of the housing stock transaction price plan).doc

鲁甸县县应用房地产估价技术评估存量房交易价格工作实施方案(Ludian County real estate appraisal technology application evaluation of the housing stock transaction price plan).doc

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鲁甸县县应用房地产估价技术评估存量房交易价格工作实施方案(Ludian County real estate appraisal technology application evaluation of the housing stock transaction price plan)

鲁甸县县应用房地产估价技术评估存量房交易价格工作实施方案(Ludian County real estate appraisal technology application evaluation of the housing stock transaction price plan) Zhanyi County real estate appraisal technology application evaluation of the housing stock transaction price plan In order to comprehensively promote Zhanyi County real estate appraisal technology application evaluation of the housing stock transaction price work (hereinafter referred to as the tax assessment work), to further strengthen the collection and management of the real estate transaction tax, according to the Ministry of Finance State Administration of Taxation on the application of real estate appraisal technology approved notice transactions tax price work (tax 2009 No. 100) and the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation notice on promoting the application of real estate appraisal technology to strengthen the housing stock transaction tax collection work (fiscal 2010 105) spirit, combined with the actual development of the implementation plan. A guiding ideology With Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as a guide to Scientific Outlook on Development as a guide to tax according to law, tax information management, optimize service as the guideline, relying on real estate appraisal technology and information technology, consolidate the Cunliangfangjiaoyi tax collection basis, improve the tax price management level, give full play to the function of Taxation and promote the healthy development of the real estate market. Two, work principle (a) the principle of legality. The tax assessment work should be based on laws and regulations and the relevant provisions, the use of data and information to be valid, the method must comply with the provisions of the state. (two) the principles of fairness and justice. Tax assessment work standard, point to be consistent, the evaluation results should be objective and fair. (three) the principle of efficiency. Adhere to the ass


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