黄鹤楼送别说课稿(Yellow Crane Tower farewell releases).doc

黄鹤楼送别说课稿(Yellow Crane Tower farewell releases).doc

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黄鹤楼送别说课稿(Yellow Crane Tower farewell releases)

黄鹤楼送别说课稿(Yellow Crane Tower farewell releases) A textbook, said 1, said the interpretation of teaching materials The class style is a paper bag poem, depicting Li Bai in Yellow Crane Tower farewell friend Meng Haoran scene, expressing feelings between friends show distressed at parting, the situation and process of creation of Li Bai Yellow Crane Tower of Guangling Meng Haoran sent the poem. According to the farewell process and inner emotional changes, understanding the article can be divided into three parts: the first part is about two people use a case here is Keizo, touching the subtle beauty; the second part is to bid farewell, here the blooming is unrestrained hot beauty; the third part is written by Li Bai scene touching poems, shown here is not miss the beauty. 2, said the setting of teaching goals (1) first said three-dimensional target Cognitive goal: to understand text content, text by means of language understanding poem meaning. Skill aim: to practice the correct, fluent, have feelings to read the text, reading ancient poetry. The emotional goal: reading text, poetry, poetry and artistic conception of friends deeply distressed at parting. (2) the importance and difficulty of teaching: In view of the special style of this text package of poetry, teaching emphasis and difficulties mainly identified as two: With the help of the text language understanding poem meaning, do poetry blend. In the reading of poetry mood among friends and deeply distressed at parting. (3) finally said teaching preparation: Prepare simple courseware, mainly used to break through the key and the difficulty of teaching and extension at. Two, the process of teaching (a) review introduction, leads to the central feeling distressed at parting 1, continue to study the twenty-fifth lesson Yellow Crane Tower farewell, by class, know what the text is mainly about? 2, through the class read the text again and again, you understand what emotion between Li Bai and Meng Haoran? Can use one w


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