常用的匹配正则表达式和实例(Regular expression matching and common examples).doc

常用的匹配正则表达式和实例(Regular expression matching and common examples).doc

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常用的匹配正则表达式和实例(Regular expression matching and common examples)

常用的匹配正则表达式和实例(Regular expression matching and common examples) Matching double byte characters (including Chinese characters,:[^x00-xff]) Commentary: can be used to calculate the length of the string (a double byte character length of 2 characters, ASCII 1) Regular expression matching blank line: ns*r Commentary: can be used to remove blank lines Regular expression matching HTML markers: (S*?) [^]*.*? |.? Commentary: the spread of the Internet version is too bad, this is only for the matching part, a nested tag complex is still incapable of action Regular expression matching both blank characters: ^s*|s*$ Commentary: can be used to remove the trailing blank characters (including spaces, tabs, formfeed etc.), expression is very useful Regular expression matching Email address: w+ ([-+.]w+) *@w+ ([-.]w+) *.w+ ([-.]w+) * Commentary: form validation is very practical Regular expression matching. URL: [a-zA-z]+: //[^s]* Commentary: the online version of the spread function is very limited, the above basic can meet the needs of Matching account is legitimate (letter, allow 5-16 bytes, allow alphanumeric underline):^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,15}$ Commentary: form validation is very practical Matching domestic telephone number: d{3}-d{8}|d{4}-d{7} Commentary: the form, such as 0511-4405222 or 021Tencent QQ number: [1-9][0-9]{4,}, Commentary: Tencent QQ numbers start from 10000 China, post encoding: [1-9]d{5} (D?!) Commentary: Chinese post encoding 6 digits Match ID: d{15}|d{18} Commentary: China ID is 15 or 18 Address: d+.d+.d+.d+, IP Commentary: useful extraction IP address Matching specific number: ^[1-9]d*$/ /, positive integer ^-[1-9]d*$/ /, negative integer Well, the integer [1-9]d*$/ /? ^[1-9]d*|0$/ /, non negative integers (positive integer + 0) ^-[1-9]d*|0$/ /, non integer (negative integer + 0) Matching is ^[1-9]d*.d*|0.d*[1-9]d*$/ / float ^ ([1-9]d*.d*|0.d*[1-9]d*), $/ / negative float Well? ([1-9]d*.d*|0.d*[1-9]d*|0?.0+|0), $/ float ^[1-9]d*.d*|0.d*[1-9]


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