汇编语言例题分析(Analysis of assembly language examples).doc

汇编语言例题分析(Analysis of assembly language examples).doc

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汇编语言例题分析(Analysis of assembly language examples)

汇编语言例题分析(Analysis of assembly language examples) Practice of assembly language programming title Author: unknown source: users in June 8th 06 A basic concept 1, there is a ______ 8088/8086CPU internal register, which is ______ general registers, ______ is the base and index register, ______ is a register, in addition to the instruction pointer register and ______ flag register ______ two control registers, all registers are ______ bit registers, each register can store ______ binary number. 2, the 8088/8086CPU bit in a register ______ flag, which is ______ control mark, ____________ is the state flag. There are three groups of bus 3, 8088/8086CPU, which is ______ bus, ______ bus and ______ bus; the address bus is ______ range, so it can be addressed is ______ bytes. Usually ______ bytes is referred to as 1K, will ______ bytes called 1M. Memory 4, 8088/8086CPU adopts the management mode of each segment can be up to ______ bytes, all the storage space can be divided into ______ 64K size without overlap segment. 5, the management of the storage unit segment address into ______ and logical address two, logical address consists of two parts ______ and ______, each memory segment segment address is ______; offset is relative to each section of the first storage unit ______. The segment address stored in the segment register, because the 8088/8086CPU segment registers are 16 bit registers, it is stored in the segment register is the address of the ______ section; and CPU access to data is carried out according to the physical address of the physical address and logical address, the relationship between the ____________. 6, memory, data is stored in ______ units, it is a ______ binary number, the 16 bit binary number is ______, also known as ______; each storage unit can store a ______; a word is in possession of two storage units, when stored in the storage unit ______ will put smaller address in. By 7, ______ and ______ computer instructions, they were given a computer __



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