计划任务工具 cron 的配置和说明(Configuration and description of plan task tool Cron).doc

计划任务工具 cron 的配置和说明(Configuration and description of plan task tool Cron).doc

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计划任务工具 cron 的配置和说明(Configuration and description of plan task tool Cron)

计划任务工具 cron 的配置和说明(Configuration and description of plan task tool Cron) Abstract: the Linux operating system, planning tasks usually borne by cron, to understand or grasp cron, can bring more convenience to our management server, can save more time. This paper also gives some examples of simple, convenient for novice; Catalog 1, the task of planning; 2, cron; Install and start 2.1 cron; The 2.1.1 management pack in Redhat or Fedora RPM system installation; 2.1.2 in the Slackware system installation; 2.1.3 cron open, stop and restart method; 2.2 cron configuration file; 2.2.1 global configuration file; 2.2.2 cron configuration plan writing format 2.2.3 about the same time, the definition methods perform multiple tasks simultaneously; 2.2.4 cron for the users own description of the configuration file; 3, the scope of application of the planning task; 4, about the; 5, postscript; 6, reference documentation; 7, the relevant documents; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ text ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, the task of planning; The task is the task execution plan, the planned work at the appointed time, this is the meaning of the surface. In Linux, we often use the crond server to finish the work. The cron server can perform a specific task according to the configuration file to the appointed time. For example, we can in the configuration file agreed at 4 every morning, restart the httpd server, which is a scheduled task; Let us first talk about cron; 2, cron; In the Linux system, the general plan is borne by cron, we can set cron to automatically start. After cron starts, it reads all the configuration files (global configuration file /etc/crontab, and plan for each user profile), then cron will according to the command and execution time of tasks on time to call. Install and start 2.1 cron; In general, cron is installed by default, we must learn to view the software package is already installed; The 2.1.1 management pack in Redhat or Fedora RPM system in



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