计算机导论上机基本操作(The introduction on the basic operation of computer).doc

计算机导论上机基本操作(The introduction on the basic operation of computer).doc

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计算机导论上机基本操作(The introduction on the basic operation of computer)

计算机导论上机基本操作(The introduction on the basic operation of computer) Experiment two The basic operation of Windows98 Experiment two The basic operation of Windows98 First, the purpose of the experiment 1, grasp the main features and usage of Windows98 mouse; 2, familiar with the Windows98 startup and shutdown, master Windows98 user interface; 3, basic composition and method of operation with the Windows98 window; 4, master the use of the resource manager and various operations on files and folders. Two, preliminary knowledge 1, the basic composition and operation mode. The 2 window, menu and dialog operation. 3 mouse usage. 1, directory, directory tree, path, file, folder concept. Three, the experimental requirements 1, plan the experimental class for 4 hours, the extracurricular experiment for 2 hours; 2, Wndows98 resources management is an important content, especially the operational part of the document, to practice repeatedly until you have mastered; 3, this experiment step, due to inertia, should be performed step by step, otherwise not in front of the back the experiment will also be difficult to complete; 4, after the experiment can finish the test requirements; 5, write the experiment report, to guide the teacher graded the score at the beginning of the next experiment. One Guide the introduction of computer experiment Four, experimental content (a) the Windows98 startup, shutdown and window interface 1, Windows98 start step Switch on the power. If there are multiple guide please select Microsoft Windows 98 Windows 98 to start. Please enter your login username and password, username is generally can be arbitrary, password can be arbitrary or null value that can not lose any value; and then press OK button or press enter. Note: (1) in the Windows98 login dialog box, if you dont know your username and password, press the ESC key (cancel) may also enter the Windows98. (2) in some boot verification software (such as machine housing management system), canceled the



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