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雅思考试写作G类考题回顾 朗阁雅思培训中心 张玲玲 Task 1 考试日期 201412.06 类别 投诉信 题目 You arrange hotel accommodation for your friend, but the hotel had a lot of problems. Write a letter to the hotel. In the letter, 1. say who you are and why you write this letter; 2. explain the problems; 3. and give your suggestions on how to solve this problem. 题目翻译 你帮朋友安排酒店住宿,,写一封阐述: 你是谁为什么会写这封信 2. 解释酒店有哪些问题 3. 你希望他们怎们改进 写作指导 按问题顺序写解释写信的原因酒店有哪些问题你希望酒店做哪些来改善 重点表达 I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with Here are some problems with ... My friend can hardly bear ... 题目评价 难度一般 推荐练习 20074月考题:Your neighbor keeps a pet in the garden, which has caused some troubles to your life. Write a letter to your neighbor. In your letter, 1. say who you are and why you write this letter; 2. explain the problems; 3. and give your suggestions on how to solve this problem. 近期考试趋势 再接下的考试中要注意咨询和申请信. Task 2 考试日期 201412.06 类别 社会生活类 题目 Some people think that government should give money to those mothers who take care of their family at home. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 题目翻译 一些人认为政府应该付钱给那些再家照顾家庭的母亲,你 写作指导 开头引入话题政府是否应该给再家照顾家庭的女性付钱正文第一段陈述自己支持该观点的理由 减轻刚成立的小家庭的负担 给男性提供更多的就业机会 陈述自己反对政府给再家照顾家庭的女性付钱的理由 加重政府的负担 工作的女性会觉得否公平 重点表达 aggravate the government’s burden 2. working women will think it unfair 3. Men can demonstrate their aptitudes and capacities in their careers. 4. alleviate the financial burden of the family 推荐练习 There are more and more women who go out for work. Some people think that it is the responsibility of our government to provide free-charge facilities and adequate staff for the children of these working mothers. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 题目评价 难度一般 近期考试趋势 近三个月的考题主要还是以社会生活类为主. 朗阁雅思培训中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations


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