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浅谈家住房为何屋墙体渗漏以及解决的策略 摘 要:墙体渗漏问题一直是困扰工程质量的通病,房屋一旦出现渗漏,不仅影响房屋的外观质量、适用性和耐久性,而且会严重影响到房屋建筑结构的安全性,只有找出造成房屋渗漏的根本原因,才能通过科合理设计、精心选料、严格控制施工等措施防止渗漏的产生。本文针对常见的房屋渗漏问题,对其成因进行分析、研究,并提出了相应的预防与治理措施,以保证建筑工程质量。 Pick to: wall leakage problem has been bothering the common fault of the engineering quality, housing, once appear, leakage not only affects the appearance quality, applicability and durability of the building, but also seriously affect the safety of building structure, only find out the root cause of housing leakage, can through the reasonable design, carefully selecting, strictly control the construction measures to prevent leakage. Based on common housing leakage problems, analyze the causes, research, and put forward the corresponding prevention and control measures, to ensure the quality of construction projects. 关键词:墙体;渗漏;防治 Key words: the wall; Leakage; The prevention and control 一 钢筋砼现浇板、保温层上做刚性防水的屋面渗漏 A reinforced concrete site casting making rigid waterproofing and thermal insulation layer of roof leakage (1)现浇板渗漏原因及防治措施 (1) the site casting leakage causes and prevention measures 产生原因:现浇板内预埋接线盒上浮,使雨水直接从接线盒渗下;现浇板内穿线管上浮,造成板顶局部裂纹,雨水顺管壁外侧流向接线盒。防治方法:用铁钉或铁丝将板内穿线管及接线盒等物件固定在模板上,以保证现浇板内预埋物保持在现浇板的下部,使板内线盒、线管上有足够高度的砼层,并在接线盒上面配置钢筋网片,确保盒、管上面的砼不开裂。 Causes: embedded within the site casting of increase of the junction box, make the rain directly from the terminal block infiltration; Within the site casting threading pipe buoyancy, partial crack top sheet, rain along the wall lateral flow to the junction box. Prevention and cure: use nails or wire threading pipe and connection box etc, in the plate fixed on the template, in order to make sure the site casting buries the thing to keep in the lower part of the site casting, make the plate inside the box, line pipe have enough height of concrete layer, and on the configuration steel fabric in the junction box, ensure that box, pipe concrete cracks on it. (2)刚性屋面开裂渗漏的原因及防治措施 (2) rigid roof cracking leakage c


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