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··       T S-35         13 :1004-8774 (2003)06-13-05 T S-35 型氨法脱硫影响因素及其经济性分析 1 2 1 1 2 2 黄亚继 , 朱凤松, 金保升 , 仲兆平, 何新华 , 夏红 (1., 210096; 2., 210096)  : TS-35 , 、SO2 、、、, 。 :, , , ;, 80 %; , , , 。 :, ; , 。 :;;; :X701.3   :A Industry Experiment and Economic Analysis on TS-35 Ammonia Desuphurization Facility 1 2 1 HUANG Ya-ji , ZHU Feng-song , J N Bao-sheng , 1 2 2 ZHONG Zhao-ping , HE Xin-hua , X A Hong (1.Education Ministry Key Laboratory on Clean Coal Power Generat ion and Combustion T echnology, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China; 2.Nanjing Xuanw u Environment al Pro tection Bureau, nanjing 210096, China) Abstract:Based on the industrial test about the T S-35 desulphurization facility with ammonia, factors affecting desul- phurization efficiency are investigated, including fume volume, SO 2 concentration, coal banks, ammonia flux, ammonia concentration and so on.The results are shown:the facility is simplicity and has little effect on the boiler parameters and has other advances such as little fed ammo nia liquid, low sy stem resistance, low energy losses, hig h desulphurization effi- ciency, no w aste w ater to discharg e and no secondary pollution.So it fits the desulhpurization of middle- and small- scale industrial boiler.But it may cause mo re end cor ro sion.T he sell and price of (NH )SO must be taken into account 4 2 4 o n a large scale industrial boiler .Present po llution charge sy stem can be seen to have some disadvantages and SO2 al-


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