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19 3 ( ) Vol . 19 N o. 3 2004 6 Jour nal of Inner M ongolica U niversity f or Nationalities Jun. 2004 X 潘英明 黄 梁 敏 朱金婵 ( 54 1004) : B1 . pH . : ; B ; 1 : O62 : A : 1671- 0185 ( 2004) 0 3- 0285- 02 Studies of Mi croscale Preparation Method of Benzoin PA N Y ing- ming H U AN G L i L IA N G Min ZH U Jin- chan ( Colleg e of Chem istr y and Chem ical Eng ineering G uang xi N orm al U niversity Gu ilin 54 1004 China) Abstract : T he m icroscale chemical experiment of synthesizing Benzoin w as researched. In the ex- periment v it am in B1 w as kat alyst and no- w at er alcohol w as solvent . T he result s indicat ed th at when pH w as 8( 9 and some Zinc pow der ex ist ed t he microscale chem ical exp eriment synthesizing Benzoin could save t ime and redu ce cont aminant f urt hermore it could increase t he rate of pro- duct ion . So t he eff iciency have greatly improved. Key words: Benzoin ; V itamin B ; Microscale experiment 1 112 . . . . VB 1 . 1 1. 1 实验原理 . V B1 . OH O VB 1 C H C H : 2C H CH O 6 5 CH C 6 5 6 5 1. 2 仪器和药品 ; ZF- I ( ) ; VB ( ) ; 1 ( ) ; ; ( AR) ; ( AR) ; 95 % ( A R) ; pH . 12 3


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