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Drama: 1.The origin of drama Greek drama: celebration of death and rebirth of Dionysus (the God of wine and fertility); one character and the chorus Religious festival celebrations in Middle Ages;Religious liturgy 礼拜仪式 The word drama comes from the Greek verb dram, which means “to do.” The earliest known plays were written around the 5th century B.C. Mystery Miracle plays Based on stories from the Bible and the lives of Christian saints; in the 14 the century, during festivals like Easter; amateur plays based on biblical stories; cycles of mystery, such as creation and judgment; acted first by church clergy in or in front of the church, and then by common folk outside in the street, (city trade guilds); first in Latin and then in vernacular; Morality plays religious allegory in dramatic form; personifying abstract qualities (Everyman, Good Deeds, Death, Knowledge) individual struggle for salvation didactic illustration Everyman (1495) Interlude A short performance slipped into a play to enliven the audience after a solemn scene more entertaining and amusing 2. Comedy 1) Light form of drama: aiming to amuse and to provoke smiles and laughter with wit and humour 2) Designed not to condemn evil but to ridicule men’s limitation, faults, and lack of self-knowledge 3) Comic effect arises from recognition of incongruity of speech, action, or character revelation with intricate plot 4) Shakespeare’s comedies: sing high praise of youth, love and ideals of happiness, specially those who fight against destiny and mold their own fate according to their will; full of optimism 3. Tragedy Concerned with the harshness and injustice of life Culminate in events such as trials, catastrophes, hero falls down from power, eventual death … Hero’s fall-down from happiness is due to a weakness in his character such as the pride of Faustus, the ambition of Macbeth, the jealousy of Othello, which often leads to self-destruction Arouses feelings of awe, audiences c


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