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Dialogue One Mr. Hanson: Could I have my bill, please? Waitress: Yes, sir. One moment, please. (She brings the bill and the customer looks at it carefully.) Mr. Hanson: Could you kindly explain this to me? What is item 6? Waitress: Perhaps I could go through it for you. The first item is the cover charge. Number 2 is the beer. Then your starter, your main course and the vegetables. The main course was 4.50 not 3.50, so item 6 is the difference. Mr. Hanson: Oh, I see. But how was I expected to know that? Waitress: Yes, sir. They are a bit hard to follow sometimes. Number 8 is your dessert and number 9 the cigarettes. Oh, and number 7 is your second beer. Mr. Hanson: And what about the service, is that included? Waitress: Yes, thats marked down here, 10 per cent service. Mr. Hanson: Good. Thank you. Now, can you take my credit card? Waitress: Im afraid we dont accept credit cards. Mr. Hanson: Oh dear. What about a cheque with a bankers card? Waitress: Yes, sir. That will be all right. Dialogue Two Customer: Can you bring me the bill, please? Waiter: Certainly, sir. (He brings the bill.) Customer: I think there has been a mistake. Waiter: Im sorry, sir. What seems to be the trouble? Customer: I think you have charged me twice for the same thing. Look, the figure of 5.50 appears here and then again here. Waiter: Ill just go and check it for you, sir. (He returns a few minutes later.) Waiter: Yes sir, you are quite right. The cashier made a mistake. I think you will find it correct now. Customer: Thank you. Waiter: We do apologize about this, sir. Customer: Thats all right. No harm done. Now, can I pay by travelers cheques? Waiter: Certainly, sir. Well give you the change in local currency if thats all right. Customer: You neednt worry about that. There wont be much change out of twenty-five dollars. Waiter: Thank you, sir. Thats most kind of you. ? Corney Restaurant Jokes. —Waiter, theres a fly in my soup. —Shh, dont do too loud. Everyone will want one. ? —Waiter, t


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