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Go有关的动词短语 go about 到处走动,走来走去 旅行 (轮船)掉头,转向 从事;着手做 How shall we go about the job? 我们该怎样着手做这件工作? to go about cultivating the wasteland 开始垦荒 How do you go about repairing this telex machine? 你怎样着手修理这架电传机? (= set about) go along 进行;继续; 赞成;同意 to go along with a suggestion 赞成一项建议 前进;进行 (= get on, go on) go by 受指导;遵照,依照 Don‘t go by what she says. 别听她的。 You can’t go by what the children say. 你不能照孩子们说的去做。 按照…判断,凭…判断 to go by appearances 凭外表判断 “Going by what he wears, he must have come from the south.” “从他的穿着打扮来看,他准是从南方来的。” go by the name of 称为;名叫;叫做 go for 冲向;进攻;打击 (= go at) 抨击;责备 They went for each other in the papers. 他们在报上互相指责。 追求 to go for a job 求职 想获得 喜欢;被吸引 She doesn‘t go for men of this type. 她不喜欢他这种类型的男人。 对…适用;应用于 go on 发生;前进;进行 (= go along);接下去;继续 (时间)过去,消逝 ;运转;产生出来 Whats going on here? 这里发生了什么事? The computer has gone on the fritz.电脑出了毛病。 The Muslims of the university are planning to go on / make a pilgrimage to Mecca. 这个大学里的伊斯兰教徒正打算去麦加朝圣。 Go on, Im listening. 说下去吧,我在听着。 Lets go on!让我们继续做/走/读下去。 Go on with your work. 继续干你的工作。 If you go on like this, youll make big mistakes some day. 如果你继续这样下去势必有一天要犯大错误。 The lights went on. 灯光亮了。 A new assembly line will go on-stream next week. 一条新流水线下星期将投入生产。 作为证据以便采取进一步的行动 We were just going on what you had said. 我们正在用你说的话作证词。 All the police had to go on was a half-burnt Christmas card. 警察所持有的全部根据是一张烧成半截的圣诞贺卡。 go out 出走,离开去旅行;公布;终结熄灭 退潮 过时,不流行 同情;怜悯 What a pleasant weather. Why not go out for a walk?天气多好啊,为什么不出去散散步? Have the notices gone out? 布告公布出去了吗? July went out with rain. 七月随着雨水过去了。 Short skirts went out some time ago. 短裙不久以前才不流行了。 Her heart went out to the poor orphan child. 她从心里同情那可怜的孤儿。 go over 视察;查看 查阅 复习 We went over the building. 我们查看了这座大楼。 We must go over the accounts carefully before we settle them. 在结账之前,我们必须仔细查阅账目。 You must go over the instructions of how it works before you use the micro-wave oven. 在使用微波炉前要先看看它的使用说明。 Go over the lesson again. 把功课再复习一遍。 go round 四处走动 足够分



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