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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation (5000BC—1066) I. Early Settlers (5000 BC---55BC) 1. The Iberians 伊比利亚人 a. the first settlers of Britain b.?Stonehenge(史前巨石柱): a circular group of large standing stones set up by the Iberians in Britain with some unknown religious and political significance. 2.?The Beaker Folk ( term) 宽口陶器人 They were the people who came to Britain at about 2000 BC. They were so called because they were fond of drinking and buried themselves in the bell-shaped drinking containers. Stonehenge Stonehenge an old Beaker Folk burial chamber 3. The Celts 凯尔特人 a. Three invasion waves: the Gaels(盖尔人)about 600 BC; the Brythons(布立吞)about 400 BC; the Belgae(比利其)about 150 BC; b. The ancestors of the Highland Scots, the Irish and the Welsh; c. Their languages were the basis of the Welsh and Gaelic. Celts The Religion: Druidism (The wise man, astrologers and soothsayers) II. Roman Britain (55 BC---410AD) 1.?The beginning of the British recorded history. 2. The first invasion was made by Julius Caesar, a Roman general, in 55 BC. Julius Caesar (100 BC—44 BC) Great general, politician, and historian of ancient Roman 3. Roman influences a.?two great walls to keep the Picts(匹克特人): the Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall; b. a network of towns and roads; c. good use of natural resources; d.?a new religion, Christianity; e.?very limited impact because their treatment of the Britons as slaves. III. The Anglo-Saxons (446---871) 1. Three Teutonic(日耳曼)tribes: Jutes, Saxons, and Angles. 2. Heptarchy 七王国时代: collective name for the 7 kingdoms of Anglo-Saxons 3. Offa’s Dyke 欧法大堤 to keep out the Welsh. 4. The first real king of England: Egbert in 829. 5. England began to be Christianized in 597 with St. Augustine as the first Archbishop of Canterbury坎特伯雷大主教. 6. Contributions: the Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of the English state a.?divided the country into shires(郡); b.?established the Witan(贤人议会), the basis of the Privy


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