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Lesson 26: Keep the Candle Burning! New words shallow adj. 浅的 match n. 火柴 burn v. 燃烧 light v. 点燃 use up 用完 candleholder n. 蜡烛座 match burn candleholder n. Think about it Do you think science is interesting? Why or why not? Name one or two famous Chinese scientist. What do you know about them? Science is so interesting! I’m sure you’ll like this experiment! What do you need? A candle A candle holder A big glass jar A shallow dish with water matches What do you do? 1. Put the candle in the candleholder. 2. Put the candleholder in he dish. 3. Fill the dish half full of water. 4. light the candle. 5. let the candle burn for two or three minutes. 6. careful put the jar over the candle until the top of the jar rests on the dish. 7. look at the water in the jar. What observation can you make? What is happening? As the candle burns, it uses up oxygen in the air. When the candle stops burning, it has used up all the oxygen in the jar. The water inside the jar then rises. How far did the water rise? There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air, so the water rises and fills about one-fifth of the jar. Keep the candle burning! 让蜡烛燃烧! keep…burning使……燃烧。keep sth. (sb.) doing, 使某物(某人)保持做某一动作。 Don’t keep the water falling. 不要再让水继续流了。 She kept me holding the far with my hand. 她让我一直用手握住瓶子。 Do you think science is interesting? 你认为自然有趣吗? scientist自然科学,科学家。 I bought a book on science last week. 我上周买了一本科学方面的书。 We are learning the knowledge about science. 我们正在学习科学知识。 Wang Peng loves science very much. He wants to be a scientist. 王鹏非常喜欢科学。他想成为一名科学家。 a shallow dish with water一个装水的浅盘 shallow adj. 浅的。其反义词是:deep深的。 Please pass me a shallow dish (plate). 请递给我一个浅盘子。 The idea of the passage is very shallow. I can understand it. 这篇短文的意思很浅显,我能读懂它。 light the candle点亮蜡烛,意同make the candle burn,使蜡烛燃烧。 1) light n. 光,光线。为不可数名词;电灯。 The moon light comes into the room through the window. 月光透过窗子照进了房间。 Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave. 当你离开的时候不要忘了关灯。 2) light adj. 颜色浅的,(


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