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中等职业学校英语(二)期中英语试题 亲爱的同学, 欢迎参加中等职业学校英语(二)的期中考试。请您按照要求完成随后各页中的听力、阅读和语言应用的相关题目,检查自己在过去的半个学期的学习情况。 请同学们放松心情,认真作答。 北京商务科技学校 Part 1 Listening1 Questions 1 – 2 (4 points) Directions: In this part, you will hear four dialogues. Listen, choose your answer and then circle your answer A, B or C under each dialogue. Questions 1 1 What are they talking about? Dialogue A A B C Dialogue B A B C Question 2 Where do Dialogue C and D take place? Dialogue C A B C Dialogue D A B C Part 2 Listening 2 Questions 3 – 6 (4 points) Directions In this part, you will hear a short dialogue between Mary and Jack. Mary is inviting Jack to do something. After the dialogue there will 4 questions, marked 3 - 6. Now please listen to Dialogue E and answer questions after the example. 3 What’s the problem with Jack? A. He is ill. B. He is pale. C. He is 4 What does Jack prefer to do? Reading B. Boating. C. Dancing 5 What does Mary ask him to do? Go to the library B. Go boating. C. Go mountain climbing. 6. What does Jack decide to do at last? A. Go to the library B. Join Mary C. Stay at home. Part 3 Listening 3 Questions 7 – 10 (8 points) Directions In this part, you will hear a short dialogue between Li Xiaonian and Sara. They are talking about Li Xiaonian’s holiday. After the dialogue there are 4 questions, numbered 7 – 10. Now please listen to Dialogue F and answer questions after the example. 7. Where did Li Xiaonian go during the holiday? A. B. C. 8. How did he go there? A. B. C. 9. What did he do there? A. B. C. 10. How did he feel about the holiday? A. B. C. Part 4 Listening 4 Questions 11 – 15 (15 points) Directions: In this part, you will hear a job interview. Listen to Dialogue G and complete the application form of David. Part 5 Communication Questions 16 – 20 (10 points) Directions: In this part, you will read a dialogue between two speakers. Read the dialogue and choose the right e


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