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Unit3 A taste of English humour;Find the punchlines!; Policeman: You can’t park here. Driver: Why not? Policeman: Read the sign. Driver: I did. It says, “Fine for parking!” So I parked.;;Two friends are hiking in the mountains when they come across a bear. The bear roars at them, displaying all of the signs of attacking. They both know theyre in real trouble. One of the men sits down calmly, taks off his hiking boots and pulls a pair of running shoes out of his backpack. what are you doing?screams his friend. You cant run faster than a bear! I dont have to, he says while trying his shoes. I just have to run faster than you.;A: 该死的理发店把我头剪坏了!大家出点损招,要求破坏性越大越好,动静越小越好,因为是我一个人去。    B:半夜三更,月黑风高,静静地、轻轻地,一个人吊死在理发店门口…… ; 玛丽太太因闯红灯上法庭。法官盯着她看,问:玛丽太太?是的。你以前在西区小学当老师?是的,你怎么知道? 法官笑了,我曾是你的学生。玛丽太太轻松地笑了。法官兴奋地说,我等这一天等了20多年,现在罚你抄一千遍“我闯红灯错了,以后再也不犯了。” ;Now lets enjoy some English humor;;;How many kinds of humour do you know?;;Do you know the man in the picture? ;;What do you know about his films? More information on P18; Task1: Fast Reading Read the text to get the information of the chart.;He died in _____ in ___________;Careful Reading;Para 2: Finish the chart. ; a small black hat;Q: Why was “The Little Tramp ” loved by many people around the world?;;;Tell true or false;1. Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the hunman face. 2. Charlies own life was very easy when he was young. 3. Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. 4. Charlie was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work in films in 1973. 5. Charlie spent his last years in Switzerland.;Assignment


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