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93 Guess the answer to the riddle. There’s a word that’s composed of three letters alone, Which reads backward and forward the same; It expresses the sentiments warm from the hearts, And to beauty lays principal claim. What is it? [2008年B类初赛] 【答案】eye 【解析】单词eye由三个字母组成,其两边结构对称所以从前面读和从后面读都一样;从眼神中可以流露出内心的温情,并且眼睛是发现美的窗口,对美最有发言权。 97 What word of five letters has six left after you take two away? [2008年B类初赛] 【答案】sixty 【解析】sixty这单词由五个字母组成,去掉ty这两个字母后还剩下six。 James trudges off to school each morning with his books but he rarely does homework, and he doesn’t take any tests. There are 36 children in his class and 35 of them are good students. Why does James never get into trouble? [2011年A类初赛] 【答案】James is a teacher. 【解析】James每天去学校,不做作业,不参加考试,班上共36个学生,35个是好学生,但题目中并没有说James是学生。 The man who invented them doesn’t want one. A man who bought one doesn’t need it. A man who needs one doesn’t know it. What is it? [2009年A类初赛] 【答案】A coffin. 【解析】造棺材的人不希望用上它,购买者因为活着所以并不需要它,而需要用它的人因为已经死去而对此毫不知情。 Here is a puzzle. My first is in ACT but not in PLAY. MY second is in APRIL but not in MAY. My third is in NOBLE and also in LORD. My fourth is in CARD but not in BOARD NY last is in STACK but not in HAY. You look at me every single day. What am I? [2010年A类初赛] 【答案】CLOCK 【解析】谜面第一句说“我的首字母在ACT中却不在PLAY中,因此可能是C或T;以此类推,我们可以得出构成此词五个字母的可能选择。唯一可以断定的是第三个字母O,因为只有O既在NOBLE里又在LORD里。最后一句提示我们此物是我们每天要看的东西,得出答案CLOCK。 What occurs twice in a lifetime, but once in a year. Twice in a week but never in a day? [2008年A类初赛] 【答案】The letter E. 【解析】出现的次数均指单词拼写本身,而不是指词汇所表示的含义。   三、复习指南 1. 掌握智力测试题型解题技巧 2. 积累相关的数学英语词汇和推理词汇   Chart 条形图      减 minus (prep.), subtract (v.), subtraction(n.)   grid 格子        被减数 minuend   even chance 胜负各半  减数 subtrahend   figure 图形       差 remainder   diagram 图例      乘times (pre


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