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What about eating fish instead of meat today? The doctors went to Shanghai by train instead of by car.? I gave her some advice instead of money. instead是副词,意为“代替”, “反而,却”用作状语。位于句首时用逗号。表前面的事没做,而做了后面的事.一般不翻译。 e.g. Anna never studies. Instead, she plays table tennis all day. We have no coffee. Would you like some tea instead?改喝茶 * Do you like listening or telling stories? Have you ever heard this story? What’s the name of the story? It’s Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. Journey to the West Nu Wa Repairs the Sky Stones 石头 The monkey king had a long journey to the west. What did Nu Wa use to repair the sky? Hou Yi Shoots the Suns The nine suns were too hot. So Houyi shot them. 射击 Chang’e Flies to the Moon ___ Journey to the West ___ Hou Yi Shoots the Suns ___ Yu Gong Moves a Mountain ___ Nu Wa Repairs the Sky. Match the story with the pictures [a-d]. b d a c ①书名,故事名,寓言名等,单词首字母要大写; ②名称中有介词,连词,冠词无需大写; What are the main characters in each story? 1a New words phrase 1.An old man tried to move the mountains try to do sth.设法做某事 e.g. I am trying ________ (work) out the math problem. try doing sth e.g.为什么不试着骑车去学校呢? Why didn’t try______ (ride) a bike to school? 2. shoot射击,射中shot, shot shoot at 朝某人射击 e.g. He shot the bird with his gun. 他用枪打鸟 Look! A hunter(猎人)______________ a bird. Can he _______ it ? 3. once upon a time = long, long ago 从前 e.g. Once upon a time, there lived three monks in a small temple. to work is shooting at shoot ____ The two mountains were very high and big. ____ A very old man tried to move the mountains. ____ A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it. Listen and check (?) the facts you hear. They are talking about Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. Guess Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about? 1b Once upon a time, there was a very old man. There were two___________near his house. They were so ____and _____that it _____ a long way to walk to the ot


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