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 2009 2   16   1  Practical Preventive Medicine, Feb.2009, Vol 16, o.1 187 :1006-3110(2009)01-0187-02 淋巴结反应性增生的临床诊断和病因研究 陈荣恒, 曾志超, 林中矫   :  、, 。   2002-2008 94 。    :, , , , 。 , , , +。    。 : 淋巴结;增生;鉴别诊断 :R733.4     :A Clinical Diagnosis andEtiological Study of Reactive Lymphoid Hyperplasia CHEN Rong-heng, ZENG Zhi-chao, LIN Zhong-j iao (Department of Superf icial Tumor Surgery, the First eople s Hosp ital of Foshan, Foshan 528000, Guang- dong) Abstract: Objective To study and analyze the diagnos is, diff erent ial diagnosis, and pathogeny of react ive lymphoid hyper plasia f or improving the recognit ion and diagnosis of react ive hy perplasia in lymphnodes. Method Data of 94 inpa- t ients and outpat ients in our hospit al f rom 2002 to 2008 w ere collected and analyzed. Results There were some t rait s of the react ive hyperplasia in lymphnodes hereinaft er:had l ow f ev er, lymphadenect asis, unconspicuous sympt om, and compli- cat ed pat hology.The pat hogeny of the react iv e hyperplasia in lymphnodes was so mult iplicate and it w as easy t o misdiag- nose.Symptoms and the other examinations can only do a little to diagnosis.The pathologic and immunological test was t he only way to make a certain diagnosis. Conclusions More realizat ion of the react iv e hy perplasia in lymphnodes wil l make for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of lymphadenectasis. ey words: Ly mphnode;Hy perplasia;Different ial diagnosis   , 、 , 23 、。, 。B , , 。 , 9 , , 10.0×10 /L , ( , ; 94 )18 , 45 , 5 , 5 , , 、 18 , 3。 , 。 2  1 


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