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論文中英文題目: 當我們LINE 在一起─父母使用通訊App 做為親子溝通工具現況探討 When we “LINE” together :Parents communicate with their children by using messaging app. 許家齊 Chia-Chi Hsu 政治大學新聞研究所一年級學生 fancy250348@ 0987148779 新北市新莊區萬安街47 巷13 號四樓 當我們LINE 在一起─父母使用通訊App 做為親子溝通工具現況探討 中文摘要 通訊app 如LINE ,已是許多人生活中的一部分。年輕人使用LINE 稀鬆平常 ,但 他們的父母接觸這些新玩意兒時,可能受到數位代溝的影響;而現在有些家庭會 使用通訊app 作為溝通的工具 ,使用通訊app 溝通,對親子關係又有什麼影響? 過去研究多聚焦於子女端 ,本研究則關注父母端 ,較具初探性,故將結合質性訪 談與量化的問卷調查。本研究以 「LINE 」為例,探討父母使用LINE 的情形 ,如 其是否受到代間數位落差的影響,以及溝通管道的選擇和親子關係的維持等。 關鍵字: LINE 、代間數位落差 、媒介豐富度、溝通管道、親子關係 When we “LINE” together :Parents communicate with their children by using messaging app. Abstract The messaging APPs which can use on the mobile devices, like Line, become an important part for some people in their daily life. For the young people who grow in the Net generation, using messaging is so easy. However, for their parents, the messaging Apps and mobile device just like new objects. Thus, they may be influenced by the digital gap which is between the young generation and the old generation. What ’s more, some families use messaging App as a tool of communication, so, would it brings some change to their parent child relationship? This research would combine the quantitative questionnaire survey procedure and qualitative interview to observe the situation that parents use messaging Apps to communicate with their children. Keywords: LINE, The Digital Generation Gap, Media Richness Theory, Communication Channel, Parent-Child Relationships 壹 、研究動機


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