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基于RFID技术的溯源系统研究 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1 1.2 国内外发展及现状综述 2 1.2.1 国外 2 1.2.2 国内 3 1.3本文的主要工作 4 1.4 论文结构 4 第2章 RFID技术及溯源系统 5 2.1 RFID技术 5 2.1.1 RFID系统组成 5 2.1.3电子标签 6 2.2 RFID 溯源系统设计需求 7 2.2.1 功能需求 7 2.2.2 性能需求 10 2.3基于 RFID技术的溯源系统相关技术 11 2.3.1 EPC 编码 11 2.3.2 对象名解析服务 11 2.3.3 UML 12 2.4 RFID存在的问题 15 2.4.1标准化问题 15 2.4.2价格问题 15 2.4.3 可靠性问题 16 2.5 本章小结 16 第3章 系统的体系结构及UML建模 17 3.1 追溯系统总体方案设计 17 3.2 系统构成 20 3.2.1硬件构成 20 3.2.2软件构成 21 3.3 系统的静态建模 21 3.3.1 用例模型 21 3.4 系统的动态建模 25 3.4.1 行为模型 25 3.4.2 交互模型 26 3.5 本章小结 28 第4章 猪肉追溯系统软硬件实现 29 4.1 系统硬件上的实现 29 4.2硬件设备 31 4.3 软件平台实现 33 4.3.1 编码管理方案 33 4.3.2 对象名解析服务 33 4.4数据库建设 39 4.4.1部门监管模块 40 4.4.2信息交换模块 41 4.4.3用户管理模块 43 4.4.4统计分析、报表管理模块 43 4.4.5查询模块 44 4.5 本章小结 45 第5章 总结 46 参考文献 47 摘 要 关键词: Abstract With development of the society and improvement of the living standard,theconsumers are taking more and more concern about food safe issues. They are urgent to need a food safety system framework which can track, trace and callback faked products effectively. In fact, Radio Frequency Identify Technology can be used in these industries and with the help of RFID public services infrastructure, the services including Track Trace Callback will be provided easily to dynamic track item-level products information. RFID Public Services Infrastructure is a service-oriented platform whichprovides functions to exchange products’ information on internet based onRFID technology. According to the actual situation of food production and sales in China, taking pork as example, a food safety traceability system suite to Chinas situation which can trace, track the information reflected food quality in the food supply chain is analyzed and studyed, in order to improve supply chain food quality safety information management, and promote safety and assured food production marketing and brand-building. The main research content and achievement have been obtained as follows:Using RFID(radio frequency identification) on informat


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