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20 10 38 11 25 : 1005- 0329( 20 10) 11- 恒功率变量泵的动态特性仿真研究 1 2 1 1 , , , ( 1. , 102206; 2. , 250061) : , , AMESIM , , , : ; ; AMESIM; ; : TP391 : A do i: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1005- 0329. 2010. 11 S im u lation on Dynam ic Characteristics of Constant Pow er V ar iab le Pum p 1 2 1 1 LI X iaoun , ZHANG Chengrui, WU Xuebin , CA IW enyuan ( 1. Be iq i Foton M otor Co. , Ltd. , Be ijing, 102206, Ch ina; 2. Shandong Un iv ers ity, jinan 250061, Ch ina) A bstrac t: U sing constant power var iable pum p in construction m achinery can ensure the dev ice absorbs pow er of motor suffi ciently. In order to study dynam ic characteristics of the var iable pump deep ly, the m athem atic m odels and AMESIM smi u lation m odels of key components of constan t pow er v ariab le pum p w as analyzed and constructed. T hen took them easured pum p pressure data as load input of them ode,l the accuracy of AMESIM m odelw as ver ified by the reversing verification m ethod. T he in fluence of parameters such as pump pressu re, pre- tighten ing force of v ariab le spr ing, num ber ofm easure spr ing and control pressure of lmi it load on dynam ic characteristics was analyzed. The smi ulation results showed that this m odel can m eet needs of dynam ic characteristic analysis of v ariab le pump. K ey w ord s: constant pow er; var iable pum p; AMESIM; reversing verification; s mi u lation 1 , A 8VO 120, AMESIM , ,


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