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渠县2007年麻疹疫苗强化免疫异常反应研究[摘要] 目的 本文主要论述麻疹疫苗异常反应在使用方面的安全性,解释异常反应发生的客观性和正确诊治处理,避免在社会上造成不影响,稳定社会,推动计划免疫发展。 方法 按照《四川省麻疹疫苗强化免疫实施方案》操作、收集、统计全县资料。 结果 麻疹疫苗强化免疫接种人数219223人,一般反应发生75例,发生率为34 .21 /10万,异常反应发生16例,发生率为7.29/10万。 结论 此次麻疹疫苗强化免疫一般反应发生率低,异常反应也是预防接种工作中常见的反应,无神经系等严重疾病发生。说明我县麻疹疫苗强化免疫在使用方面是严格按照国家卫生部下发的《预防接种工作规范》和四川省强化免疫实施《方案》开展工作的。16例异常反应,处理及时,未在社会上造成不良影响,顺利地完成了任务。同的也证明我国制造的麻疹疫苗是安全的。 [关键词] 麻疹疫苗;异常反应;监测分析;强化免疫 [中图分类号] R511.1[文献标识码] A [文章编号] Analysis Quxian 2007 abnormal immune response of Measles Vaccine Yang qinggui [Abstract] Objective This article discusses the use of measles vaccine side effects in terms of security, explain the abnormal reaction of the objectivity and the correct diagnosis and treatment of processing, to avoid causing in the community does not affect social stability and promoting the development of immunization. Methods Measles vaccine immunization in accordance with the implementation of the program operations, collection, statistical information on the county. Results Vaccination of Measles Vaccine in the number of 219,223 people, the general reaction in 75 cases, the rate was 34.21 / 100,000, abnormal reactions occurred in 16 cases, the rate was 7.29/10 million. Conclusion The measles immunization generally was very low, abnormal reactions, vaccination is a common response to the work, no nervous system and other serious illness occurs. Help county measles vaccine immunization in use is in strict accordance with the Ministry of Health issued the “Immunization norms” and the implementation of Sichuan Province immunization “program” the work of the 16 patients with abnormal response to treatment in a timely manner, not bad in the community the impact of successfully completed tasks. Proved with the measles vaccine manufactured in China are safe. [Key words] Measles vaccine ; Abnormal reaction; Monitoring and Analysis; Immunization 麻疹是由麻疹病毒引起的,有高度传染性,全身发疹性的呼吸道传染病,在无疫苗预防的时代,人人都要患一次麻疹,患病后又易并发肺炎、脑炎、心血管机能不全等疾病,严重威胁患者生命安全。多年来国家把麻疹作为重点疾病控制,


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