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痤疮患者皮肤屏障功能受损原因研究[摘要]目的:探讨痤疮患者皮肤屏障功能受损的局部原因。方法:采用回顾性病例对照研究,对46例皮肤屏障受损及48例皮肤屏障功能正常的痤疮患者以下因素进行分析:外用药物、外用不正规的祛痘化妆品、皮肤清洁情况、护肤品使用情况及皮损严重情况,并进行统计学处理。结果:外用不正规的祛痘化妆品、外用酒精配制的擦剂、使用过热的水洗脸、使用香皂、洁面乳、频繁去角质护理、不使用化妆水和润肤剂是痤疮患者皮肤屏障受损的危险因素,保湿润肤剂对皮肤屏障有保护作用,而祛痘润肤剂对皮肤屏障保护作用不明显。皮肤屏障受损者Ⅲ度痤疮发生较多。结论:使用不正规的痤疮外用药物和化妆品及不正确护理皮肤会导致痤疮患者皮肤屏障功能受损,屏障功能受损可加重痤疮炎症的发生。 [关键词]皮肤屏障功能;受损;痤疮 [中图分类号]R758.73+3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2010)01-0079-03 Analysis on causes of destruction of skin barrier function in people with acne WANG Yan,MA Qiong,DUAN Jing-xian,SUN Su-jiao,CHEN Li-hua (Department of skin nursing and cosmetology,Dali university ,yunnan,671000) Abstract:Objective The local causes of destruction of skin barrier function in people with acne were studied. Methods94 cases of people with acne were retrospectively reviewed with case-control study,out of them there were 46 patients with impaired skin barrier function.We compared external drug and cosmetic between patients and control,and their habits of washing face,for example water temperature, cleansing supplies,and whether they used astringents and emollients.ResultsThe case group used irregular cosmetic (they were advertised to heal ance fast) and tincture were significantly more than the control patients,and they were tendency to wash face with higher water temperatrue,use soap or cleansing milk frequently,exfoliate more than three times a week,they did not favarite to use astringents and emollients.Moisturing emollients had a effect of protecting skin barrier function,but acne emollients had no-obvious effect of protecting skin barrier function.There were more Ⅲ degree acne patients in case group. Conclusions Irregular topical application of external drug and cosmetic,incorrect way of skin care can impair skin barrier function of people with acne.Inflammtion of acne would become seriuos if skin barrier function was impaired. Key words: skin barrier function ;destruct;acne 痤疮患者由于外用药物及日常护理不当等,极易造成皮肤屏障功能受损,这不仅不利于痤疮的治疗,相反可使痤疮病情加


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