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( ) 第 24 卷第 4 期 甘肃联合大学学报 社会科学版 Vol . 24 ,No . 4 2008 年 7 月 J ournal of Gan su Lianhe U niver sit y ( Social Sciences) J ul 2008 试论乾隆年间清朝对西北 准噶尔蒙古的武力征服政策 牛 海 桢 (甘肃联合大学 学报编辑部 ,甘肃 兰州  730000) 【摘 要】乾隆年间 ,西北唯一能与清朝抗衡的准噶尔蒙古内战纷起 ,清朝政府实行武力征服政策 ,果断 出兵 ,为最终统一西北边疆地区奠定了基础 。在这一问题上 ,我们既要承认武力征服政策对促进多民族国家 的形成 、促进民族融合所起的作用 , 同时也要看到清朝统一战争的残酷性以及对准噶尔蒙古所带来的灾难 。 【关 键 词】乾隆年间;准噶尔蒙古 ;武力征服 ( ) 【中图分类号】K249 . 3   【文献标识码】A   【文章编号】1672707X 2008 04002 105 On During the Qianlong Years the Qing Government Use the Force to Conquest Pol icies to Conquer the Northwestern Junggar Mongol ia N IU Haizhen ( ) D ep a rtment of J oum al , Gans u L i anhe Uni vers i ty , L anz hou 730000 , Chi na Abstract :During t he Qianlong year s ,J unggar Mongolia t he only manorit y t hat can cont end wit h Qing Dyna st y in t he nort hwest of China had civil war s continuou sly . The Qing government u sed force to conquest policies and sent t roop s de ci sively , t hi s laid t he foundation for t he Qing government to ultimat ely unifed t he nort hwest bor der region . On t hi s i ssue , we mu st admit t he effect t hat t he force to conquest policies had made on t he p romotion of t he formation of a multi - et hnic count ry and t he p romotion of t he national int egration . We should al so see t he cruelt y of t he unified war which brought a bout by t he Qing government and t


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