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第 1 次课 教学课型:理论课 □ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 技能课□ 其它□ 主要教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ): Course Description/Objectives: It is an introductory course in public speaking that assumes no previous experience. Its objectives are to familiarize you with some basic principles of effective and ethical public speaking, to give you practice enacting those principles, to instill in you a sense of the importance of public communication in shaping our lives, and to advise you of your ethical obligations as a participant in the communication process. Assignments: You will make four graded presentations In addition, you must read assigned materials. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and activities. Short quizzes will be administered on a regular basis, and there will be a comprehensive final at the end of the semester. Final grades will be determined on the basis of .Attendance/ tardiness: Public speaking is an audience-centered activity, and we need your active participation to make the class more rewarding. In this case, being fair means being firm. Students who miss too many classes typically perform poorly on their assignments. Therefore, your attendance in this class is mandatory.. Each recorded absence will cost a weighted percentage of your final grade. Written documentation is required for excused absences. Students will be allowed to make up only one major assignment and will incur a letter grade deduction on that assignment. Try to come to class on time. If you are late, enter quietly to minimize the disruption. If you are late on presentation days, wait outside the door to avoid disrupting a speech in progress. Remember that it is your responsibility to remind me of your presence on that day to avoid being counted absent. I reserve the right to treat repeated tardiness as absences. Academic honesty: You are expected to do original work on your speeches and written assignments. It is your responsibility to be familiar with t


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