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《化学通报》在线预览版 华蟾素注射液有效组份的分离和鉴别 # *1 朱晓燕 孟志强 陈震 俞培忠 葛勇前 刘鲁明 (复旦大学附属肿瘤医院 上海 200032 # 复旦大学药学院 上海 200032 ) 摘 要 分别用水、50 %乙醇洗脱HP-20 大孔树脂分离华蟾素注射液,得到0.125%非极性组份和0.03625 %极性组份。薄 层色谱检测发现,极性组份用Dragendoff 显色剂喷洒有斑点呈桔红色,推断为生物碱类物质;非极性组份喷洒20% 乙酸- 硫酸溶液有紫色斑点出现,推断为甾体强心甙类物质。非极性组份在 40min 以后在紫外区出现吸收尤以吸收峰明显;极 性组份在10min 以前有明显的紫外吸收峰,且与华蟾素注射液相应位置出现的紫外吸收峰相似。 关键词 华蟾素注射液 大孔吸附树脂 薄层色谱法 高效液相色谱 Study on Isolation and Identification of the Active Fractions of Huachansu Injection # ZHU Xiaoyan, Meng Zhiqian, Chen Zhen, Yu Peizhong , Ge Yongqian, LIU Luming* (Department of Integrative Oncology, Cancer Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032; #School of Pharmacy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032) Abstract The Huachansu Injection was absorbed on the prepared HP-20 Macroporous Adsorption Resin and then eluted with H2O and 50% EtOH aqueous respectively. The isolation rates of non-polar and polar fractions of Huachansu Injection were 0.125%,0.3625% respectively. The results of TLC showed that there was several spots color changed at the polar fraction area by Dragendoff reagent, which mean there was alkaloid. And spots color changed at the non-polar fraction area by 20% C H O 2 4 2 -H OS solution, which mean there were Cardiac Glycosides. The results of HPLC showed that there were several UV absorption 2 4 peaks after 40min with the non-polar sample and before 10min with the polar sample. Key words Huachansu Injection, Macfoftticulaf Resin, TLC, HPLC 中华大蟾蜍(Bufo bufo gargarizans Cantor )为蟾蜍科动物,蟾皮(the skin of toad, ST )为蟾蜍的干 燥表皮。据《中华本草》记载,其能“解毒散结,消积利水,杀虫消疳”,可被应用于多种肿瘤的治疗, 对胃癌、食管癌、膀胱癌、肝癌、白血病有一


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