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盘子 THE DISHES  每个人只学他能学的; 但谁知道如何享受当今的人,  他就是智者  Each one learns only-just what learn he can; yet he who grasps the moment’s gift, he is the proper man GOETHE 头盘 STARTERS 完美水煮蛋(低温水煮瑞士有机鸡蛋) 21 以调味细香草为面皮 热黄油煎芦笋 捣碎通心粉 The perfect egg (organic Swiss egg cooked at low temperature) covered in a fi ne herb crust seared asparagus in a butter foam deconstructed pastry 秘制意式香烤佛卡夏面包片 21 茄子、罗勒和酸橙浓缩酱 经香草调味的橄榄油油封甜椒、圣马尔扎诺番茄 百里香熏马苏里拉水牛奶酪 Bruschetta made from homemade focaccia eggplant mash with basil and lime sweet peppers, San Marzano tomatoes slow-cooked with vanilla-fl avoured olive oil smoked buffalo-milk mozzarella with thyme 经榛子薰香的鹌鹑肉碎,盛放在无花果肉上 25 Quail terrine fl avoured with hazelnuts and a fi g confection 主菜 MAIN COURSES 意大利Acquerello七年陈米烩饭 33 玉米粥和迷你菜蔬 Risotto made with Acquarello grand cru rice aged 7 years, pesto and baby vegetables 加入塔加斯卡橄榄的兔里脊肉,加入鼠尾草的牛心番茄碎丁 43 加入印度烧烤酱的辛香佐料棕色调味汁 加入蓝色胡芦吧的奶酪焗烤紫色土豆 高良姜根茎煎朝鲜蓟 Rabbit fi llet with Taggiasca olives, diced beefsteak tomato with sage, dark pan-juices with tandoori spices gratin of purple vitelotte potatoes with Fridolin cheese rubbed with blue fenugreek sautéed artichoke with galanga root 鲜鳕鱼脊背肉块和加入荞麦爆米花的海苔以及盖梅内猪肠香肠 45 加入红色香蒜酱的玉米粥和酿辣椒 花椰菜多吃,菠菜、香芹和螺旋藻酱汁 Stuffed cod fi llet and nori roll with puffed buckwheat and Guéméné sausage polenta with red pesto and piquillo chilis caulifl ower variations, spinach, parsley and spirulina coulis 奶酪 CHEESES 鲜奶酪及精致加工奶酪 10 A selection of fresh and a


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