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应用实施范围总体原则 不适合采用虚拟化的应用 具有特殊硬件访问要求的应用 高性能图形显卡 不适用虚拟化 特殊的串/并行加密设备 不适用虚拟化 USB设备连接需求 可能不适用,可采用外置USB设备代替,需经过测试 即使在高配置的服务器上仍然具有很高负载的应用 可能不适用,需分析当前服务器配置情况 可以采用虚拟化的应用 除上述不适合采用虚拟化的应用之外的所有应用 可根据应用迁移的复杂程度决定虚拟化先后顺序 较易实现P2V的应用可先做迁移,如可用Converter工具直接迁移的应用 较难或不能做P2V迁移的应用可考虑采用重新安装方式后迁 根据管理的需要决定是否做虚拟化 虚拟化转变过程对现有业务的影响程度 转变为虚拟化后对现有管理的影响程度 部门之间协调的难易程度 Types of Host Systems Vertically scaled vs commodity server Different resource pool “quantization” models Different Types of Resource “Pools” Vertically scaled hosts provide a bigger contiguous pool Workloads dovetail Typically scales to higher % utilization Clusters of commodity servers are more like a collection of little pools “Buckets” of capacity Necessitates motioning Model has advantages and disadvantages Workload (Utilization) Constraints Different “food groups” must be considered CPU Utilization Disk I/O Network I/O Memory Utilization Overhead of virtualization should be factored in Disk and Network I/O can create CPU load iSCSI can load CPU as well Must also consider operational history Month End Year End (if very patient) Technical Constraints Technical constraints generally deal with: Compatibility (are systems/apps compatible) Affinity (are systems part of a logical group) In most environments these constraints include: Network connectivity (subnet-level) Application Interconnect Incumbent storage technologies Hardware and Peripherals in use Software Support/Certification These are different for above vs below kernel Shared vs separate OS images Business and Process Constraints These are often overlooked if sizing is focus You can get away with this in labs but not in production Common constraints on virtualization include: Maintenance Windows and Change Freezes Location and other physical constraints Operational Environments, Security Zones, App Tiers Business Groups, Departments, Customers Political Considerations and Constraints Ignoring these tends to “randomize” an environment If diversity is goal then do it on purpo


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