reorganization of extracellular matrix in placentas from women with asymptomatic chagas disease mechanism of parasite invasion or local placental defense重组细胞外基质在胎盘无症状女性恰加斯病的寄生虫入侵或当地胎盘防御机制.pdf
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reorganization of extracellular matrix in placentas from women with asymptomatic chagas disease mechanism of parasite invasion or local placental defense重组细胞外基质在胎盘无症状女性恰加斯病的寄生虫入侵或当地胎盘防御机制
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Tropical Medicine
Volume 2012, Article ID 758357, 8 pages
Research Article
Reorganization of Extracellular Matrix in Placentas from
Women with Asymptomatic Chagas Disease: Mechanism of
Parasite Invasion or Local Placental Defense?
Juan Duaso,1 Erika Yanez,1 Christian Castillo,1 Norbel Galanti,2 Gonzalo Cabrera,2
3 4 ´ 2 2 1, 5
Gabriela Corral, Juan Diego Maya, Ines Zulantay, Werner Apt, and Ulrike Kemmerling
1 Programa de Anatomıa y Biologıa del Desarrollo, Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile,
´ ´ ´
Independencia, Region Metropolitana, 1027 Santiago de Chile, Chile
2 Programa de Biologıa Celular y Molecular, Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile,
´ ´
Independencia, Region Metropolitana, 1027 Santiago de Chile, Chile
3 Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecologıa, Hospital de Illapel, Independencia, IV Region, 0512 Illapel, Chile
´ ´
4 Programa de Farmacologıa Molecular y Clınica, Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile,
´ ´ ´
Independencia, Region Metropolitana, 1027 Santiago de Chile, Chile
5 Departamento de Estoma
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