
research on knowledge creation in software requirement development在软件需求开发研究知识创造.pdf

research on knowledge creation in software requirement development在软件需求开发研究知识创造.pdf

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research on knowledge creation in software requirement development在软件需求开发研究知识创造

J. Software Engineering Applications, 2010, 3: 487-494 doi:10.4236/jsea.2010.35055 Published Online May 2010 ( Research on Knowledge Creation in Software Requirement Development* 1,2 1 1 3 Jiangping Wan , Hui Zhang , Dan Wan , Deyi Huang 1School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China; 2Institute of Emerging Industrializa- tion Development South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China; 3E-jing Technologies, Hong Kong Science Park Shatin, Hong Kong SAR. Email: {scutwjp, dandanwan42},, huangdy3816@ Received February 3rd, 2010; revised March 15th, 2010; accepted March 17th, 2010. ABSTRACT After field survey and literature review , we found that software requirement development (SRD) is a knowledge creation process , and knowledge creation theory of Nonaka is appropriate for analyzing knowledge creating of SRD. The characteristics of knowledge in requirement elicitation process are analyzed, and dissymmetric knowledge of SRD is discussed. Experts on requirement are introduced into SRD process as a third knowledge entity. In addition, a knowledge creation model of SRD is put forward and the knowledge flow and the relationship of entities of this model are illustrated. Case study findings are illustrated in the following: 1) The necessary diversity of the project team can facilitate the implementation of the SRD. 2) The introduction of experts on requirement can achieve the transformation of knowledge effectively, thus helping to carry out the SRD. 3) Methodology and related technologies are important for carrying out the SRD. Keywords : Requirement Engineering, Knowledge Creation, Dissymmetric Knowledge, Knowledge Conversion, Experts on Requirement, Methodology 1. Introduction



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